Wednesday 1 June 2011

Recycled theory.

Against all odds I actually left the confines of my house today. I took some time out of my routine of sleep to see some friends. It proved a worth substitute. Most of the things that were said were undoubtedly hilarious but among the jokes and laughter a deep conversation had sprouted. The conversation was based around the idea of being in love. Being the expert, Jed took the lead. He had previously been in a 3 year relationship which he still misses to this day. Touching words paired with some favoured but depressing music brought back some feelings. These certain feelings were for a girl. It lead me to ponder deeply about whether it is possible to entirely forget someone so close. 

The conversation prior to my feelings had caused a domino effect making me rethink of practically everything that I had thought recently. The life plan that I have explained in my last post has been completely altered to include one girl. As I wondered into my imaginative side the more it dawned on me that this will never happen. I like to think of this situation as linked to Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. What I figured out wasn't exactly the same but followed the same context. I came to the conclusion that all of the beautiful girls are adapted to fall in love with the good looking guys, leaving the not so good looking guys to live unmatched and helpless.

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